Prepping For Your Job Interview | Part 2

Please don't tell me you were going to wing it for your big interview?
You may not know what questions will be asked in the interview, but you CAN be prepared for anything the hiring manager throws at you! And, believe it or not, it takes a lot more than Googling a list of common interview topics. You have to make a great first impression appearance-wise (tip: use an iron!), have knowledge of your target company, understand the products or services they provide, and know exactly how you plan to tell them that you're the perfect fit for the job.
We're sharing some of our favorite tips to help you bring your A-game to the interview. Over the next few weeks, we will be breaking it down for you. So, keep checking back for additional tips!
Even the most experienced interviewee can get stumped every now and then. By organizing your thoughts and preparing answers to common questions, you will be able to answer with ease and confidence. Some topics you want to consider include your skills, accomplishments, abilities and goals.
The interviewer WILL say, "Tell me about yourself." Be prepared with a well thought out response. One effective method that we recommend is called "Present-Past-Future." Start with the present - where are you now in your career? Then take a look back at where you've been. And finally, bring it home with where you want to go and why you're excited about the potential of this new job opportunity.
Be ready to divulge your biggest weakness. This is a common interview questions. Think of something that you struggle with, but are working to improve. That is forward progress and most employers will respect that in a candidate.
You don't want to sound as though your responses are scripted. Google a list of common interview questions and practice your responses. Make sure you are comfortable enough with your answers to sound natural and confident.
Quantifiable achievements will give you an advantage over other candidates. Have you positively impacted the bottom line of your company? Did you meet or exceed your sales goals? Have you received awards or acknowledgements for your stellar work? Keep a log of this information and be sure to share it with your interviewer. Employers want to know that you will be an asset and a team player. This is the best way to show that you're ready to step up to the plate!
Make sure you're prepared to ask some questions of your own. This shows that you have an interest in the company and the role you are interviewing for. This is an important tip and can make a difference in you getting the job, or watching someone else run away with the success!
This Week's Takeaway: Practice makes perfect!