A lot of people believe that once they submit a professional resume, all they need to do is wait for the phone to ring or an e-mail requesting an interview. Unfortunately, it doesn't always happen that way. Don't get discouraged! You have to keep active in your job search rather than becoming passive.
Don't Give Up - Follow Up - Stay organized with a spreadsheet. Make note of when you sent your resume out. If you have not heard anything in two weeks, send a follow-up letter indicating your continued interest in the company and position. Attach your resume again. Prove to the hiring manager that your skills, knowledge, and abilities align with the company's mission. Educate yourself about their products and services so you can specifically mention them in your letter. Give it another two weeks and if you haven't heard back by then, it's probably time to move on.
Show Interest, Not Aggression - No hiring manager wants to be bombarded with emails or phone calls from a desperate applicant. You have to temper your enthusiasm with respect. Not everyone can be hired, nor can the hiring manager respond to all those who were rejected. Again, it may be time to move on.
Never Stay Still - Never put all of your eggs in one basket, even if you feel confident that you'll be hired. Keep your options open, submitting your resume, networking, updating your LinkedIn Profile, and attending job fairs. Keep your skills up to date and continue to acquire new ones that will help you land a better position.
Do not stop looking until you have that job offer in hand!