We’re Kevin and Brittany Burtch, professionals in resume writing, business development and personal branding. We have a passion for people and business, and can’t think of a better way to combine the two, than helping YOU land the job of your dreams! We aren’t your “typical” stuffy corporate writers and mentors. We bring years of real life experience combined with high energy, originality, and outside-the-box thinking to the table, helping you and your resume stand out from the crowd.
Our number one priority is to get your foot in the door with an incredible resume. But, we also want to coach you through the entire hiring process, giving you the knowledge and interview skills necessary to land that dream job!
Kevin is a graduate of Florida State University with over 15 years of experience in sales, management and hiring at the executive level. Brittany is a graduate of Georgia College & State University and has a successful career in marketing, creative writing and personal branding. Together, we have developed a unique menu of services that will help you market yourself to potential employers.
Are you ready to level up? Click HERE to get started!